This Trial MCQ Exam has a total of 25 questions.

  1. Please treat this MCQ Trial Examination as an actual AMC MCQ examination, including compliance to the examination rules and regulations.
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  3. The time limit for this examination is 35 minutes. You must pace your time using the clock on the computer – the clock and timer (top right corner of your screen) commence when the examination is activated.
  4. Use your blank paper, if required, during the examination.
  5. The MCQ Trial Examination consists of 25 Type A questions.
  6. Each question or incomplete statement is followed by five suggested answers, or completions, labelled A, B, C, D and E.
  7. Only one answer out of the five suggested answers, or completions, is correct.
  8. Read each question thoroughly and decide which one answer is the BEST choice.
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  14. If the session time limit has been reached before you complete all questions in the examination the following text will automatically appear “SESSION TIME HAS EXPIRED” and will take you to the answers page.

Trial MCQ Paper 1

1 / 25

A 7-year-old girl presents to the paediatric clinic with hypopigmented, scaly patches on her face as shown in the picture. Her parents reports that the patches become more noticeable after sun exposure and are mildly itchy. On physical examination, you note multiple oval-shaped hypopigmented patches with fine scales. The patches are well-demarcated and have a dry texture. What is the most likely diagnosis?

2 / 25

A 15-year-old boy presents to the emergency department after falling on his outstretched hand during a basketball game. He complains of pain and tenderness in the anatomical snuffbox of his wrist. On examination, there is swelling over the snuffbox, and he has limited range of motion in his wrist. What is the most likely diagnosis?

3 / 25

A 65-year-old man presents to his primary care physician with complaints of persistent bone pain, particularly in his back. He also reports feeling increasingly fatigued and has noticed unintended weight loss over the past few months. Laboratory tests reveal hypercalcemia and anemia. Further evaluation shows the presence of lytic lesions on skeletal X-Ray. What is the most likely diagnosis?

4 / 25

A 28-year-old pregnant woman presents to her obstetrician at 8 weeks into her pregnancy. She has no significant past medical history and denies any symptoms. Screening tests reveal a positive VDRL test. The patient has no known history of syphilis or previous treatment for the infection. Which of the following is the most appropriate next step in managing this patient?

5 / 25

A 35-year-old asymptomatic individual presents to the GP clinic for a routine check-up. His father was diagnosed with Colorectal cancer at the age of 52. His physical examination is unremarkable. In the context of colorectal cancer screening in Australia, which of the following is recommended?

6 / 25

A 45-year-old man presents to the ENT clinic with recurrent episodes of vertigo, ringing in his ear and fluctuating hearing loss. During the episodes, he experiences severe nausea and vomiting. Audiometry reveals sensorineural hearing loss in the affected ear. What is the most likely diagnosis?

7 / 25

A 28-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with severe lower abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. She reports a positive pregnancy test and a history of amenorrhea for the past 6 weeks. On examination, she appears pale, and abdominal tenderness is noted on the right side. Transvaginal ultrasound reveals an adnexal mass without an intrauterine gestational sac. What is the most likely diagnosis?

8 / 25

A 24-year-old sexually active woman presents with a complaint of a malodorous, frothy, greenish-yellow vaginal discharge. She reports itching and discomfort in the genital area. On pelvic examination, the vulva is erythematous, and the cervix appears "strawberry-like." What is the most likely diagnosis?

9 / 25

A 2-week-old full-term infant is brought to the pediatric clinic for a check-up. On examination, you hear a continuous, machine-like murmur in the upper left sternal border. The infant is feeding well and appears otherwise healthy. What is the most likely diagnosis?

10 / 25

A 30-year-old woman presents to you with a history of episodic neurological symptoms, including visual disturbances, weakness in her legs, and difficulty with coordination. She mentions that these episodes tend to come and go over the past few years, with some periods of remission in between. On examination, you find evidence of abnormal reflexes, muscle weakness, and positive findings on an MRI of the central nervous system. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

11 / 25

A 32-year-old woman presents to you with complaints of chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, and occasional rectal bleeding. She reports that her symptoms have been ongoing for several months and are not relieved by over-the-counter medications. On examination, you note tenderness in the lower abdomen. Laboratory tests show elevated inflammatory markers. Colonoscopy reveals skip lesions with aphthous ulcers and areas of cobblestone appearance in the colon. What is the most likely diagnosis?

12 / 25

A 28-year-old female frequently seeks attention and is often described as dramatic and excessively emotional. She often wears provocative clothing and engage in seductive behavior to draw attention. This individual's emotions seem shallow, and their relationships are often characterized by being fleeting and superficial. She tends to be easily influenced by others and are often perceived as insincere. What is the most likely diagnosis for this individual?

13 / 25

A 45-year-old man frequently visits his primary care physician, reporting various physical symptoms and expressing intense anxiety about his health. He has visited the clinic multiple times in the past six months, complaining of chest pain, headaches, abdominal discomfort, and numbness in his extremities. Extensive medical evaluations, including physical examinations and diagnostic tests, consistently reveal no underlying medical conditions. Despite reassurance from multiple healthcare providers that he is physically healthy, the patient remains preoccupied with the belief that he has a severe, undiagnosed illness. What is the most likely diagnosis for this patient's condition?

14 / 25

A 30-year-old pregnant woman, G1P0, presents to the hospital at 32 weeks of gestation with a complaint of clear vaginal fluid leakage for the past 12 hours. She denies contractions, bleeding, or fever. On examination, you confirm the presence of pooling of clear amniotic fluid in the vaginal vault. What is the most appropriate initial management step for this patient?

15 / 25

A 32-year-old woman presents to the emergency department with vaginal bleeding and severe abdominal pain. She is six weeks pregnant according to her last menstrual period. On physical examination, her uterus appears larger than expected for her gestational age, and she reports passing grape-like clusters of tissue with the bleeding. Her serum beta-hCG levels are significantly elevated. What is the most likely diagnosis of this patient?

16 / 25

You have developed a new diagnostic test for a common condition. In your study, you find that your test has a negative predictive value (NPV) of 90%. Which of the following statements accurately describes the negative predictive value of this test?

17 / 25

A 10-year-old aboriginal boy presents to the GP clinic with a fever and joint pain for the past two weeks. On physical examination, you note redness and swelling of multiple joints, including the knees and elbows. He also has a faint rash on his trunk and upper arms. There is no evidence of heart murmurs, but you notice some minor swelling of his ankles. He reports a recent throat infection. What is the most likely diagnosis?

18 / 25

A 6-year-old child presents to the pediatric emergency department with a swollen, painful right knee and a fever of 101°F (38.3°C). The child is unable to bear weight on the affected leg. Physical examination reveals a warm, erythematous, and tender right knee joint with limited range of motion. Laboratory studies show an elevated white blood cell count and an erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) of 80 mm/h. The joint aspiration demonstrates purulent synovial fluid with a white blood cell count of 45,000/mm³. What is the next step in the management of this patient?

19 / 25

A 32-year-old pregnant woman at 38 weeks of gestation presents to the labor and delivery unit with ruptured membranes and is in labor. She has no known allergies and no significant medical history. Her prenatal care has been unremarkable. A prenatal culture at 36 weeks of gestation was positive for Group B Streptococcus (GBS). What is the most appropriate next step in the management of this patient?

20 / 25

A 45-year-old male presents to his pulmonologist with a chronic, productive cough that has persisted for several months. He reports recurrent episodes of pneumonia and a history of tuberculosis in his early twenties, which was successfully treated. Physical examination reveals coarse crackles on auscultation and digital clubbing. High-resolution CT scan of the chest shows dilated bronchi with thickened walls and mucus plugs. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?

21 / 25

A 30-year-old female presents to the emergency department with a rapid, regular heart rate of 180 beats per minute, palpitations, and mild lightheadedness. Her BP is 124/88 and Oxygen saturation is 99%. The rhythm strip of the ECG is shown in the picture. What is the most appropriate initial treatment for this patient?

22 / 25

A 50-year-old woman presents with complaints of bilateral nipple discharge with a greenish-yellow staining of her undergarments over the past six months. Physical examination reveals a palpable lump in the periareolar region of both breasts, and gentle compression of the nipples results in the expulsion of a thick greenish-yellow fluid from multiple ducts on each nipple. Mammography and ultrasound show dilatation of the main ducts behind the nipple with no evidence of masses or microcalcifications.

23 / 25

A 34-year-old female presents with a complaint of difficulty swallowing, particularly with solid foods. She describes the sensation of food sticking in her chest and sometimes experiences regurgitation of undigested food. She denies heartburn or acid reflux symptoms. On physical examination, her lungs are clear, and heart sounds are normal. An upper gastrointestinal barium swallow study is performed and the result is shown in the image. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for this patient's condition?

24 / 25

A 25-year-old male presents to the emergency department with progressively worsening abdominal pain that began around the umbilicus and has now localized to the right lower quadrant. The pain started as a dull ache but has now become sharp and persistent. On physical examination, there is tenderness over right iliac fossa and rebound tenderness is noted. The patient also reports a loss of appetite, nausea, and has a low-grade fever. Laboratory tests show an elevated white blood cell count. What is the most appropriate immediate management for this patient's condition?

25 / 25

Which of the following statements about hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) is correct?

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